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14 April 2016


This isn't the first time a Marvel teaser has underwhelmed, and experience shows that Marvel has proven to be deft at course correcting in terms of promotional missteps: Consider the case of the Ant-Man teaser last year and how quickly the tone was clarified and message sharpened in later trailers.

While we don't know his character's name, the enigmatic figure that Mads Mikkelsen plays in the trailer appears to have honed the abilities that Doctor Strange is just getting used to. So there's a good chance that while Tilda Swinton's Ancient One is trying to train Stephen to use his powers for good, Mikkelsen's baddie may try to sway him to work for the darker side of the equation. Either way, Benedict Cumberbatch's famed sorcerer is about to learn a thing or two about how to operate in multiple realities, while speaking with a convincing American accent that will definitely take some getting used to. 


Doctor Strange, directed by Scott Derrickson,looks like it'll cleave closely to the character's origin story established way back in 1963. After being crippled in an accident, talented neurosurgeon Stephen Strange goes on a quest to find a way to repair his mangled hands. He eventually meets the Ancient One (Tilda Swinton) and her student Karl Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor) and soon goes on a journey to master the mystic arts.

As for the trailer, it is indeed full of creepy and fantastical imagery, even if I’m a little shocked that they are making Cumberbatch use an American accent. I just want to know the people reaction to this film later. It seems rather unnecessary and potentially distracting, but visually this is a dazzling and engrossing little teaser. We get glimpses of Tilda Swinton, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Rachel McAdams and Mads Mikkelsen, but otherwise this is just short enough to be akin to an announcement teaser.


Leave it to Marvel to blown your mind in cuple minutes. Because marvel produce many unbelievable movies. The first teaser trailer to Doctor Strange has dropped, and so far, the film looks to Inception the hell out of its audiences. Don’t worry, though, you’re not alone. Benedict Cumberbatch, who plays the titular neurosurgeon-turned-dimension-hopper, looks just as confused.

With its focus on magic and extra-dimensional beings, the film is poised to set a new tone for the Marvel Cinematic Universe as it marches toward Avengers: Infinity War. Doctor Strange is one of the most powerful beings in Marvel comics, so it's likely he'll be a big player in the conflict ahead. Doctor Strange hits theaters on November 4th.

However, when it comes to the Doctor Strange teaser, there's nothing there outside the derivative aspects: due to the nature of the trailer, there's no story beyond the "white man finds enlightenment in Asia" trope and barely any dialogue — nothing from anyone outside of Swinton and Cumberbatch — to let audiences decide that maybe the performances will elevate the material.

Summary of the story is Before Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange became the Sorcerer Supreme, there was his mentor, The Ancient One. A Tibetan born man from centuries prior, this character in the comics trained Baron Mordo before later training Strange as well. In the MCU, the Ancient One title is held by a different character – a bald Tilda Swinton. Wise and powerful, The Ancient One has not only mastery over what we consider to be magic, but knowledge of other dimensions, other realities.


Summary a vehicular incident leaves Stephen Strange without the full use of his hands, meaning he can no longer perform operations. He’s lost his way of living, his career, and is beginning to lose his mind trying to find a way to repair his hands so things can get back to “normal.” After trying all sorts of known medical procedures to no avail, Strange finds himself desperate, searching the world for anything that could heal his ailment – eventually crossing paths with The Ancient One (more on this character later). The film appears to be following this character journey closely with a few details altered. For instance, it could be Baron Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor) who discovers Strange and introduces him to The Ancient One. A report from November claims that Strange has an “encounter with magic (and sub-atomic particles)” which leads him on his path to searching for The Ancient One.

Superhero News reacts to and reviews the first trailer for Doctor Strange, which hits theaters on November 4th. Don’t miss to watch it in your every favourites cinema’s. For more content, be sure to subscribe, like and share my videos to stay up-to-date on the latest from more trailer movies.

5 DM Info: April 2016 This isn't the first time a Marvel teaser has underwhelmed, and experience shows that Marvel has proven to be deft at course correcting...


To all the Game of Thrones fans who are growing ever-impatient awaiting the next book in the A Song of Ice and Fire book series, The Winds of Winter, you may not believe this assertion, but it seems that author George R.R. Martin is actually BUSY these days with his WRITING. In fact, he is apparently so busy that he recently cancelled a bunch of convention appearances, and the latest evidence of his full plate manifested with the news that Martin will break a habit by not writing any episodes for Season 6 of Game of Thrones. So, why did the Literary God of Death just tell Season 6 “not today?”

Season 6 is based on the hitherto unreleased sixth novel of the A Song of Ice and Fire book series, The Winds of Winter, along with a significant amount of material from the fourth and fifth books, A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons, which run concurrently but follow different sets of characters

In the announcement, which comes by way of George R.R. Martin’s blog, the author emphatically insisted that his work on The Winds of Winter, along with several other projects would occupy his time too greatly to work on the show next year. As Martin reveals...

Learning From The New 'Game Of Thrones' Season 6 that we can take the lesson is The trailer opens up to Castle Black. “Wicked Game” by Chris Isaak, and performed by James Vincent McMorrow, strikes a haunting note over the scene. Interesting music choice. “He’s gone,” says a man’s voice as we see Jon Snow’s body in the snow. Davos perhaps? And while we see the body and the blood, it’s important to note that the speaker never says ”He’s dead.” Just, “He’s gone.”

Game of Thrones Season 6 looks great! There’s so much more here that I won’t go into. Battles. More battles. Brienne is definitely fighting somebody. Horses are falling. Archers are drawing their bows. Somebody is jumping around on rooftops. There’s some girls making out. Sex and violence and then more sex and violence. It looks amazing and I couldn’t be more excited.
I can’t wait to start watching and reviewing the show, and talking with all of you about each episode. We’re venturing into uncharted waters with Season 6. There will likely be some book stuff spilling over from past books, but much of what we see will be entirely original. Should be fun!

            you can see the trailer here …

5 DM Info: April 2016 To all the  Game of Thrones  fans who are growing ever-impatient awaiting the next book in the A Song of Ice and Fire book series, The Wi...

12 April 2016

Hasil MotoGP Austin 2016 Circuit of the Americas

Klasemen MotoGP 2016 pekan ini setelah seri ketiga di GP Amerika, memastikan Marc Marqez makin kokoh di puncak.Baby Alien kembali memperoleh 25 poin, yang kini melambungkannya tinggi dan tidak dapat dijangkau siapa pun.Valentino Rossi yang gagal finish di GP Austin, harus rela posisinya direbut oleh Jorge Lorenzo.Marc Marquez memulai musim yang nyaris sempurna, Meski gagal mendapatkan podium di seri pembuka,sang pembalap Repsol Honda menggantinya dengan dua kemenangan beruntun,sehingga kini memiliki total koleksi 66 poin.Jumlah ini sangat jauh dari Jorge Lorenzo sang runner-up yang baru memiliki 45 poin.Ada perbedaan 21 angka antara keduanya.

Empat kali tampil di GP Amerika Serikat sejak di MotoGP 2013, Marc Marquez menorehkan empat kemenangan sempurna.Baby Alien seperti ingin membalas start buruk awal musim lalu yang membuatnya kehilangan gelar juara, dengan penampilan prima.Sang pembalap Repsol Honda yang menguasai sirkuit sejak latihan bebas dan menempati pole, melesat dengan waktu 43 menit 57,945 detik.

Nasib berbeda dialami oleh dua pesaing terdekat Marquez, Valentino Rossi dan Dani Pedrosa.
The Doctor yang awalnya selalu mampu finish dan ada di urutan kedua klasemen, gagal merampungkan balapan.Rossi harus tersingkir di awal balapan karena masalah teknis. Lebih tragis lagi yang menimpa Pedrosa.Sementara itu, Valentino Rosi semakin berat untuk memburu gelar La Decima.The Doctor masih ada di urutan ketiga, dengan 33 poin, tetapi selisihnya dari Marquez melebar seabanyak angka yang dikumpulkannya pula.

Yang menarik justru yang dijalani Pol Espargaro dengan Yamaha Tech 3 nya,
ia sementara ada di peringkat ke empat berkat konsistensinya merebut poin,
dan kini dia mempunyai 28 angka. Nasib Hector Barbosa atau Avintia juga demikian,
ada di urutan ke enam dengan 25 poin, hanya berbeda dua angka dari Dani Pedrosa yang jatuh di GP Austin.

Jorge Lorenzo harus puas berada di urutan kedua dengan selisih yang cukup signifikan dari Marquez, yaitu 6,107detik.Andrea Iannone sekali lagi menunjukkan betapa berbahayanya Ducati.Ia sukses merebut peringkat ketiga dengan selisih ekstra masif dari pembalap pertama di luar podium,Maverick Vinales (Suzuki), nyaris delapan detik.

Ducati sejatinya memberikan penampilan luar biasa, tetapi para pembalap mereka sering terkena sial.Meski bisa bersaing dengan para pembalap tercepat, Andrea Iannone dan Andrea Dovizioso bergantian kehilangan poin.Hasilnya kini Dovi yang ada di urutan ke tujuh baru mendapat 23 angka, sementara Iannone malah terpuruk di urutan 11 dengan 16 poin.Valentino Rossi untuk pertama kalinya gagal finish musim ini di MotoGP Amerika 2016.Meskipun masih berada di peringkat ketiga klasemen MotoGP 2016, The Doctor kini tertinggal 33 poin dari Marc Marquez.Apakah ini berarti peluang Rossi untuk mendapatkan gelar La Decima musim ini akan menjadi tipis?

Penampilan sensasional Valentino Rossi musim lalu, membuat semua orang menilainya sangat tinggi di awal musim 2016.The Doctor dianggap punya kharisma untuk merebut kampiun seperti halnya Jorge Lorenzo dan Marc Marquez.Tentu mustahil mencoret pria yang musim lalu cuma beda lima angka saja dari puncak klasemen akhir.Namun performa Valentino Rossi dalam tiga seri awal musim ini, kurang menggigit. Hanya meraih peringkat empat di GP Qatar,dilanjutkan dengan peringkat kedua di GP Argentina, koleksi poin The Doctor masih 33. Sial di GP Austin,ketika Marc Marquez sang rival utama mendapatkan 25 angka, Rossi justru gagal menyelesaikan balapan.

Crash Valentino Rossi ini adalah yang pertama sejak GP Aragon 2014. Sang pembalap sendiri menyebut,“Untungnya saya baik-baik saja karena sudut tikungan tersebut di Turn 2 sangat cepat.Bagaimana pun melihat kondisi fisiknya yang cedera, meski motor bermasalah ini adalah kecelakaan yang baik.”
“Bagi saya motor dalam performa normal, tentu saja saya melakukan kesalahan, entah karena masuk ke tikungan terlalu cepat,atau terlalu mengambil ke dalam. Cukup mengecewakan karena akhir pekan ini kami bekerja sangat baik dan saya sangat kompetitif.”Berat bagi Valentino Rossi jika melihat jumlah poinnya dengan Marc Marquez.Namun musim lalu, Jorge Lorenzo juga sempat tidak meyakinkan bahkan selama putaran pertama kejuaraan,lalu bangkit secara luar biasa di putaran berikutnya. Jadi, masih adakah kesempatan untuk The Doctor musim ini?

Yang menarik adalah sikap ‘jantan’ Dani Pedrosa pasca insiden. Menyadari kekeliruannya telah membuat malapetka bagi Dovizioso,sang pembalap Repsol Honda bahkan langsung menghampiri Dovi sesaat setelah keduanya terjatuh. Pedrosa meminta maaf.Selain itu di pit, sekali lagi Pedrosa menemui Dovi untuk memohon maaf.Sikap inilah yang meluluhkan hati Dovizioso. Dalam konferensi pers pasca GP Austin ia menyebut,
“Selalu buruk ketika kehilangan angka, dan hal tersebut terjadi karena kesalahan orang lain.
Tetapi, Anda semua tahu ini bukan kesalahan yang disengaja. Karir Dani di MotoGP begitu panjang,
dan ia tidak pernah melakukan hal buruk.”

“Jatuh dalam balapan memang buruk karena pada akhirnya yang menentukan adalah, perolehan poin di klasemen.Tapi, hal seperti ini bisa terjadi karena semua orang bisa berbuat salah pula.Saya sudah mengenal Dani sekian tahun, dan Dani bukanlah pembalap kamikaze yang selalu berusaha menyalip Anda setiap kali.”

Sementara itu Dani Pedrosa tidak hanya mengungkapkan minta maaf khusus pada Andrea Dovizioso saja.Di depan wartawan, sang pembalap Repsol Honda tersebut menyebutkan,
“Saya mohon maaf kepada Dovi.Rasanya pasti sangat jengkel ketika Ada pembalap yang menerjang Anda, dan dampaknya sangat besar seperti ini.”
Kesalahannya dalam pengereman membuat sang pembalap Spanyol menghantam Dani Pedrosa di lintasan.Kedua pembalap jatuh dan sungguh ajaib, dari 21 orang yang berlaga di MotoGP Amerika Serikat, tiga yang gagal finish justru para pembalap elite.

Hasil MotoGP 2016 GP Austin memastikan Marc Marquez kembali menjadi juara untuk empat kali beruntun di Circuit of Americas.Tampil sempurna pada Senin 11 april 2016, Baby Alien tidak bisa diburu siapa pun, hanya membuat Jorge Lorenzo membuntuti di posisi runner-up disusul Andrea Iannone di peringkat ketiga.Ini adalah kemenangan kedua Marquez musim ini setelah GP Argentina.

Berikut ini klasemen MotoGP 2016 setelah seri ketiga pada Senin 11 april 2016.
1. Marc Marquez    Repsol Honda Team dengan (RC 213 V) 66 poin.
2. Jorge Lorenzo     Movistar Yamaha MotoGP dengan  (YZRM 1) 45 poin.
3. Valentino Rossi     Movistar Yamaha MotoGP dengan  (YZRM 1) 33 poin.
4. Pol Espargaro    Monster Yamaha Tech 3 dengan (YZRM1) 28 poin.
5. Dani Pedrosa    Repsol Honda Team dengan (RC 213 V) 27 poin.
6. Hector Barbera     Avintia Racing dengan (Desmosedici GP 14 poin 2) 25 poin.
7. Andrea Dovizioso    Ducati Team dengan (Desmosedici GP) 23 poin.
8. Maverick ViƱales     Team Suzuki Ecstar dengan (GSXRR) 23 poin.
9. Eugene Laverty    Aspar MotoGP Team dengan (Desmosedici GP 14 poin 2) 21 poin.
10. Aleix Espargaro    Team Suzuki Ecstar dengan (GSXRR) 21 points.
11. Andrea Iannone     Ducati Team dengan (Desmosedici GP) 16 poin.
12. Scott Redding     Octo Pramac Yakhnich dengan (Desmosedici GP15) 16 poin.
13. Bradley Smith     Monster Yamaha Tech 3 dengan (YZRM1) 16 poin.
14. Stefan Bradl    Factory Aprilia Gresini dengan (RSGP) 15 poin.
15. Alvaro Bautista     Factory Aprilia Gresini dengan (RSGP) 14 poin.
16. Michele Pirro     Octo Pramac Yakhnich dengan (Desmosedici GP15) 12 poin.
17. Tito Rabat    Estrella Galicia  Marc VDS dengan (RC213V) 11 poin.
18. Jack Miller    Estrella Galicia  Marc VDS dengan (RC213V) 2 poin.
19. Yonny Hernandez    COL Aspar MotoGP Team dengan (Desmosedici GP14.2) 2 poin.
20. Loris Baz    FRA Avintia Racing dengan (Desmosedici GP14 2) 1 poin.

5 DM Info: April 2016 Klasemen MotoGP 2016 pekan ini setelah seri ketiga di GP Amerika, memastikan Marc Marqez makin kokoh di puncak.Baby Alien kembali memperoleh...
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