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14 April 2016


To all the Game of Thrones fans who are growing ever-impatient awaiting the next book in the A Song of Ice and Fire book series, The Winds of Winter, you may not believe this assertion, but it seems that author George R.R. Martin is actually BUSY these days with his WRITING. In fact, he is apparently so busy that he recently cancelled a bunch of convention appearances, and the latest evidence of his full plate manifested with the news that Martin will break a habit by not writing any episodes for Season 6 of Game of Thrones. So, why did the Literary God of Death just tell Season 6 “not today?”

Season 6 is based on the hitherto unreleased sixth novel of the A Song of Ice and Fire book series, The Winds of Winter, along with a significant amount of material from the fourth and fifth books, A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons, which run concurrently but follow different sets of characters

In the announcement, which comes by way of George R.R. Martin’s blog, the author emphatically insisted that his work on The Winds of Winter, along with several other projects would occupy his time too greatly to work on the show next year. As Martin reveals...

Learning From The New 'Game Of Thrones' Season 6 that we can take the lesson is The trailer opens up to Castle Black. “Wicked Game” by Chris Isaak, and performed by James Vincent McMorrow, strikes a haunting note over the scene. Interesting music choice. “He’s gone,” says a man’s voice as we see Jon Snow’s body in the snow. Davos perhaps? And while we see the body and the blood, it’s important to note that the speaker never says ”He’s dead.” Just, “He’s gone.”

Game of Thrones Season 6 looks great! There’s so much more here that I won’t go into. Battles. More battles. Brienne is definitely fighting somebody. Horses are falling. Archers are drawing their bows. Somebody is jumping around on rooftops. There’s some girls making out. Sex and violence and then more sex and violence. It looks amazing and I couldn’t be more excited.
I can’t wait to start watching and reviewing the show, and talking with all of you about each episode. We’re venturing into uncharted waters with Season 6. There will likely be some book stuff spilling over from past books, but much of what we see will be entirely original. Should be fun!

            you can see the trailer here …

5 DM Info: GAME OF THRONES SEASON 6 PREMIERE TRAILER To all the  Game of Thrones  fans who are growing ever-impatient awaiting the next book in the A Song of Ice and Fire book series, The Wi...

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